News Archive
The Absurd UCP Curriculum
The Absurd UCP Curriculum Dr. Carla Peck analyzes the United Conservative Party’s approach to...
Die Entwicklung inklusiver Schulen und Commities in New Brunswick: Zur Bedeutung des Sprachebrauchs in heterogenen Gemeinschaften. In D. Jahr & R. Kruschel (Eds.), Inklusion in Kanada: Internationale Perspektiven auf heterogenitätssensible Bildung (pp. 175–192).
Inclusion poses major challenges to education systems around the world. Canada is an important...
The Arts and the Teaching of History: Historical F(r)ictions (1st ed.)
The Arts and the Teaching of History: Historical F(r)ictions (1st ed.) Abstract This book...
What Is It All For?: The Intentions and Priorities for Study Abroad in Canadian Teacher Education.
Within the research literature and in public discourse on higher education, attention has focused...
TH First Visiting Doctoral Student
We would like to welcome Thinking Historically first visiting doctoral student, Laurie Pageau, who...