Die Entwicklung inklusiver Schulen und Commities in New Brunswick: Zur Bedeutung des Sprachebrauchs in heterogenen Gemeinschaften. In D. Jahr & R. Kruschel (Eds.), Inklusion in Kanada: Internationale Perspektiven auf heterogenitätssensible Bildung (pp. 175–192).
Inclusion poses major challenges to education systems around the world. Canada is an important orientation for this path. In this country, experience in addressing inclusive cultures, structures, and practices has been gathered for three decades. This volume brings together selected contributions from both countries for the first time. The different perspectives on the Canadian education system offer both a comparative view of German school systems and inspiration for future developments. For ease of access, the international contributions are translated into German. (Abstract provided by publisher. Translated from German.)
Hamm, L.
Peck, C. L.
Sears, A.
Name of conference, organization, journal, or publisher
Weinheim: Beltz Juventa