The History Education Network: An experiment in knowledge mobilization. In T. Christou & C. Berg (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of history and social studies education, 253-294.
The History Education Network/Histoire et éducation en réseau (THEN/HiER), with multi-year funding provided by the federal government’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), was Canada’s first national organization devoted to implementing, supporting, and disseminating research in history education. This highly collaborative project created a network composed of a core group of academic historians, history educators in faculties of education, practicing teachers, graduate students in history and history education, teacher education students, curriculum policy-makers, and representatives from a wide variety of public history and heritage organizations, including museums. Three elements provided the foundational strength, endurance, and flexibility that were required to accomplish the Network’s goals: a strong working group of core individuals committed to the larger goals of the Network; open lines of communication across often-daunting professional, disciplinary, and geographic divides; and strong central leadership and co-ordination to provide a hub for diverse activities and communities.
Clark, Penney
Sandwell, Ruth
Name of conference, organization, journal, or publisher
algrave handbook of history and social studies education, 253-294. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Publication or Presentation Date